About Us
What's On
- Art Stage Singapore 2018
- Ron Nyisztor // Semi Precious
- Kevin Robertson // Wonderwall
- Joanna Lamb // This is Nowhere
- Paul Uhlmann // Reverberations: Painting and Impermanence
- Brad Rimmer // Forever & Ever
- Toni Wilkinson // Beyond Here Lies Nothing
- Brad Rimmer // Don't Look Down
- Tony Windberg // Home Turf
- Giles Hohnen and Theo Koning
- Trevor Vickers // Sydney Contemporary 2018
- Merrick Belyea // Recent Paintings
- Jo Darbyshire // The Glorious Decline
- Artist in Residence // Sera Waters
- Penny Coss // From Someplace Else
- Susan Flavell // Golden Flowers
- Alex Spremberg // Liquid Geometrics
- Helen Smith // Blue Highway
- Andre Lipscombe // Unconcealed Paintings
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2018
- Art Stage Singapore 2017
- Sydney Contemporary 2017
- Jane Martin // Mundane Veracity
- Drawing 2018: 20 Works on Paper
- Theo Koning // Lebens Mittel
- Jurek Wybraniec
- Tims Burns // Alphabet City
- Miriam Stannage // Territories
- Art Collective WA at Geraldton Regional Art Gallery
- Michele Theunissen // Still Looking for Nothing
- Penny Bovell // Ice/land
- Caspar Fairhall
- George Haynes // Recent and Retrospective Paintings
- Collective States
- Jon Tarry // Datum-A
- Melbourne Art Fair 2014
- Sydney Contemporary 2015
- Bevan Honey and Paul Moncrieff // BHPM
- Art in Context
- Landscape // Group Exhibition
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward // You Can See It from Here
- Trevor Vickers // Catalan Series
- Jon Tarry // Artist Interview
- Paul Caporn // Perpetual Delays and Re-receptions
- Minaxi May // Pattern Clasher
- Eveline Kotai // Invisible Threads
- Alex Spremberg // Liquid Systems: Grids that Flow
- Brad Rimmer // Nature Boy
- Jo Darbyshire // Material Signature
- Eveline Kotai // Writing on Air
- Mel Dare // A Momentary Consideration
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward // Outscapes: Paintings 1971-2017
- Paul Caporn & Minaxi May // Artists in Conversation
- Eveline Kotai // Artist in Conversation
- Sydney Contemporary 2019 // Brad Rimmer
- Antony Muia // Wall
- Paul Moncrieff & Andre Lipscombe
- Angela Stewart, Holly Story & Sarah Elson // Tripartite
- Material Interface // Olga Cironis, Eveline Kotai, Valerie Tring & Ruth Vickers
- Sarah Elson // Fasciation: Expectations of Growth
- Michele Theunissen // Deletion
- Adam Derums // To Understand the Stars Would Spoil Their Appearance
- Merrick Belyea // From Above, the City is a Target
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2019
- Merrick Belyea & Jon Tarry // Art Stage Singapore
- Olga Cironis // Bunbury Regional Art Gallery
- Artist Interview // Michele Theunissen & Sarah Elson
- Diverse Stills: Picturing the Landscape
- Light/Dark // Angela Stewart, Rachel Coad, Connie Petrillo
- Ham Darroch // Artist in Residence
- Trevor Vickers // New Paintings and Prints
- Carol Rudyard
- Penny Coss at The Mark, State Buildings
- Trevor Vickers // Artist Interview
- State Buidings // Art Showcase
- Caspar Fairhall // Elision
- Tom Freeman // Paths
- Joanna Lamb // Things Past
- Jennifer Cochrane // From the Shadows
- Artist Interviews // Caspar Fairhall & Tom Freeman
- Perth Photography
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2017
- Contemporary Still Life
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2016
- Susan Roux // Marking the Vanishing
- Paul Uhlmann // Land of Smoke
- Penny Coss // Hortus
- Paul Uhlmann // Air
- Kevin Robertson
- Joanna Lamb
- Out-Front // Gems from the Stockroom
- Cosmology // Penny Bovell and Tony Nathan
- Antony Muia // Forest of Dis
- Megan Kirwan-Ward // Stitchscape
- Historical Remnants
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2020
- Merrick Belyea // Even in Arcadia, There Am I
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward // Outscapes: Stories from the Edge
- Brad Rimmer // Nocturne
- Gosia Wlodarczak // Artist in Residence
- Robert Gear // 339 Days
- Giles Hohnen and Andre Lipscombe // Untethered
- Artist Interviews // Merrick Belyea and Brad Rimmer
- Stockroom Gems // the Under $2K Edit
- Trevor Richards // C-Change
- Jon Tarry // Catching the Moment
- Trevor Richards // Artist Interview
- Olga Cironis // Dislocation at Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
- Olga Cironis // This Space Between Us
- Jurek Wybraniec // Pages, Studies, Notes
- Galliano Fardin // Ponderings
- Diverse Stills: Picturing the Landscape // Touring Exhibition
- Tony Windberg // Golden State
- Vanessa Russ // Dimond Gorge
- Artist Interviews // Jurek Wybraniec and Galliano Fardin
- Benefactors 2021
- Jane Martin, Eveline Kotai & Angela Stewart // New Work
- Jo Darbyshire // Fennel and Crow - The Long Quiet
- Penny Coss // Changing Patterns
- Lee Harrop // Down Under
- Nicholas Folland // Outside In
- Alex Spremberg // Alternative Facts
- Jon Tarry // Lumenate
- Mimesis: Links, Lines and Diversions in Perth Figurative Art
- Stockroom Gems 2021 // The Under $2500 Edit
- Helen Smith // Less and More
- Theo Koning // Mono no aware
- Trevor Vickers // New Untitled Paintings
- Adam Derums // Giotto's Joy
- Chris Hopewell // Eclipsing
- Ken Wadrop // Threshold
- Olga Cironis // Hammer and Honey: Regional Tour at Albany Town Hall
- Michele Theunissen // Reflections on the Edge
- Frank Morris // Rock, Paper, Scissors and Sigh
- Stratigraphy // Regional Tour at Geraldton Regional Art Gallery
- Cathy Blanchflower // Paintings 2021-22
- Paul Caporn // Loading
- Alex Spremberg // ReCover at Cathedral Square Urban Gallery
- East End Gallery by Night // State Makers 2022 6-8pm
- Benefactors 2022
- Artist Interviews // Cathy Blanchflower and Paul Caporn
- Minaxi May // Mélange
- Hiroshi Kobayashi // Qualiagraph\ Qualiagram
- Stuart Elliott // Floe
- Artist Interviews // Minaxi May, Stuart Elliott and Hiroshi Kobayashi
- Sydney Contemporary 2022 // Paul Uhlmann, Alex Spremberg, Vanessa Russ, Andrew Nicholls
- Penny Coss // So Into You
- Tom Freeman // Teaching a Stone to Talk
- Nigel Hewitt // Echoes from the Forest
- Rebecca Dagnall // Portraits of the Dead
- Of Ghosts and Angels // Group Exhibition
- Artist Interviews // Nigel Hewitt and Rebecca Dagnall
- Stockroom 2022 // Gems Under $2500
- Joanna Lamb // Presence and Absence
- Merrick Belyea // Scarp
- Stratigraphy // a group exhibition at Council House, City of Perth
- Interview // Merrick Belyea in conversation with Kevin Robertson
- Toni Wilkinson // Tough Pleasures
- Connie Petrillo // Sublime Peril
- Kevin Robertson // Recent Paintings
- Panel Discussion // Perth Design Week
- Jon Tarry // One an-Other
- Vanessa Russ // Deep Ground
- Artist Interviews // Kevin Robertson and Antony Muia
- Tony Windberg // Wonders of the Worlds at Council House, City of Perth
- Susan Roux // Embed
- Linde Ivimey // Syndicate 5 + 1 Survey
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2023
- George Haynes // In Search of Painting
- Brad Rimmer // Nowhere Near
- Patrick Brown // Hope
- Jennifer Cochrane // Shadows, Sleepers and Self-Portraits
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward // Certain Times
- Colour in Practice // Regional Tour at Albany Town Hall
- Antony Muia // Planet of the Humans
- Artist Interviews // Jon Tarry and Vanessa Russ
- Artist Talk // Tony Windberg at Council House
- Susan Roux // Artist Talk
- Sydney Contemporary 2023 // Art Fair
- Artist Interviews // Jeremy Kirwan-Ward and Jennifer Cochrane
- TEN: A decade of Art Collective WA // Holmes à Court Gallery at Vasse Felix
- Collective Conversations with Julie Ewington // Sydney Contemporary
- Artist Interviews // Brad Rimmer
- A Concentrated Experience // Group Exhibition
- Stockroom 2023 // Gems Under $2500
- Joanna Lamb // Gardens, Melbourne Art Fair 2024
- Stuart Elliott // Ingress, Bunbury Regional Art Gallery
- Giles Hohnen // New Paintings
- Barbara Bolt // The Palette
- Artist Interview // Giles Hohnen and Barbara Bolt, 2pm
- Jo Darbyshire // Mirage
- Virginia Ward // All the Litter Things
- Angela Stewart // Memory: 40 Years of Making
- Eveline Kotai // Beyond the Lines
- Galliano Fardin // Controlled Chaos
- Artist Interview // Eveline Kotai
- Tony Windberg // Time Lines
- Robert Gear // Time Present and Time Past
- Artist Interview // Angela Stewart
- Artist Interviews // Tony Windberg and Robert Gear, 2pm
- Anne Neil // Searching for Memories, Searching for Kindness
- Olga Cironis // Noise in This Silence
- Nigel Hewitt // Signal Hill
- Clare McFarlane // Dark Farm
- Paul Uhlmann // Calligraphic Skies - Images of the Invisible
- Regional Tour // Toni Wilkinson: Tough Pleasures at Albany Town Hall
- Artist Interviews // Olga Cironis and Anne Neil
- Sydney Contemporary 2024 // Vantage Point
- Artist Talk // Paul Uhlmann
- Trevor Vickers // Quiet Paintings
- Sarah Elson + Ric Spencer // 'I can't help but pull the earth around me to make my bed'
- Jurek Wybraniec // Colour and Material Matters
- Andre Lipscombe // Touch Pool
- Sarah Elson and Ric Spencer // Artist Talks
- Art Collective WA Benefactors 2024
- Artist Interviews // Jurek Wybraniec and Andre Lipscombe
- Stockroom Gems // the Under $2,500 edit
- Andrew Nicholls // The Majestical Firmament
- The Bachelor // Group Exhibition
- Melbourne Art Fair 2025: Olga Cironis // Hope
- Chroma // group exhibition
- Artist Interview // Andrew Nicholls in conversation with Theo Costantino
- Artist Interview // Olga Cironis in conversation with Lisa Slade
- Olga Cironis: Ritual and Embedded (exhibitions)
- Art Collective WA featured in Artists Chronicle
- Muia selected for Benalla Nude Art Prize 2014
- Joanna Lamb finalist in Geelong Contemporary Art Prize
- Nathan and Bovell reviewed by Dr Ric Spencer
- Six Collective artists are finalists in Bankwest Art Prize
- Be an Art Collective Benefactor!
- Art Collective artists feature in Albany Art Prize
- Trevor Vickers in The West Australian
- Helen Smith featured in The West Australian
- Art Collective partners with Como The Treasury
- Eveline Kotai featured in The Design Files
- UWA Art Collection purchases Vickers 'Untitled' 1970
- Caspar Fairhall: Below is Above
- Kirwan-Ward 'Torrent' purchased by Art Gallery of Western Australia
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward, Abstract response to littoral life - a review
- Trevor Vickers: Untitled Painting
- Installation Contemporary: Alex Spremberg
- Alex Spremberg and Kevin Robertson at John Curtin Gallery
- Joanna Lamb at Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA)
- Sydney Contemporary: Barry Keldoulis’ Expert Guide to Buying Art
- Chris Hopewell on the ABC
- The Collective Launches Second Artist Monograph: Jeremy Kirwan-Ward
- Kirwan-Ward: Inspired Evolution in Paint
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward: Veranda Views
- Paul Uhlmann and The Batavia
- Trevor Vickers at TarraWarra Museum of Art
- WA Artists at AGWA
- Angela Stewart is on Billboard
- Trevor Vickers revisits The Field
- Three members feature in the Albany Art Prize 2018
- Penny Coss and Susan Flavell: review in SeeSaw
- Collective artists are Winners!
- Sydney Contemporary 2018: Trevor Vickers
- Sera Waters: our 2018 Artist-in-Residence
- Hues of Haynes still surprise
- At the intersection of art and friendship
- Member Artists - Tilt
- Don't miss last days of Angela Stewart's exhibition in Bunbury
- Helen Smith's 'Blue Highway' featured in Belle magazine.
- Support our Eveline Kotai Artist Monograph
- Under the radar: Trevor Vickers
- Penny Coss selected for 2019 Dobell Drawing Prize
- Caspar Fairhall in Melbourne & Hangzhou
- Sarah Elson - featured artist on Billboard
- Helen Smith showing in Sydney, Amsterdam and Berlin
- Are you our next Benefactor?
- 100% tax write off on art purchases of up to $30k
- Monograph Launched of Eveline Kotai: Invisible Threads
- Ron Nyisztor showing at PSAS
- 40 years of nurturing artists in Mundaring
- Olga Cironis at BRAG
- Brad Rimmer's Nature Boy to launch at Sydney Contemporary
- Beauty and Peril
- Darbyshire & Portia Geach
- Artbeat interviews our artist members
- Concrete Expanded
- Baggage Handlers - Jon & Dom
- Eveline Kotai feature artist at State Gallery
- Wildflower State
- Enigmas of the Outback
- New Collective member Susan Roux is at HERE & NOW 19
- Brad Rimmer at Sydney Contemporary 2019
- Our Royal Finalists
- Ron Nyisztor in Residence at Heathcote
- Tim Burns wins 2019 Perth Royal Art Prize
- Joondalup Art Prize
- New prints by Trevor Vickers
- Art Collective WA members in Fremantle Biennale
- Tales of the Surreal - Jo Darbyshire
- Olga Cironis in Taipei
- No Fixed Address - Susan Roux & Olga Cironis
- Lee Kinsella opens Carol Rudyard exhibition
- That Seventies Feeling
- ION: In Our Nature
- Lust for Lustre
- Olga, Susan and Eveline in FIBRE
- Jon Tarry to RISE
- Penny Coss // Perth Festival exhibition
- Jon Tarry & Bob Hawke
- Sculpture at Bathers
- Tony Windberg at SW Times, Bunbury
- Helen Smith // A False Baroque
- Merrick Belyea showing in Sydney
- PEEK: Parliament House
- Brad Rimmer's Crows Nest in Canberra
- Tony Windberg's 'Control Point 5' destined for Airport
- It's a Wide Open Road at Nyisztor Studio
- Collective artists sit comfortably and of-fend in SxS 2020
- Seesaw review - Tilted Realities
- Pendulum Acts
- Caspar Fairhall featured in Art Monthly
- Concrete Expanded #2
- Congratulations to the Mandorla Finalists
- Congratulations Stringer Finalists
- Art Collecting Made Easy
- Olga Cironis // Our Fourth Monograph
- Seesaw Review // Between order and chaos
- Review // Paul Uhlmann in Artist Profile
- Gosia Wlodarczak // AiR Review in The West
- Dr Robertson on RTRfm
- Reviews // Belyea and Rimmer
- Between the Eye and the Heart
- Toni Wilkinson and Jo Darbyshire explore Imaginary Territories
- Collective Artists exhibit in 'Tracing the Swan' at Vasse Felix
- Jo Darbyshire exhibits in HERE&NOW20: Perfectly Queer
- Joondalup Invitation Art Prize 2020
- Jon Tarry's Cygna maps East End Revitalisation
- Trevor Vickers in 'Lightworks' at the Drill Hall, Canberra
- Casting Impossible Shadows in Urban Art Gallery
- Forest of Voices // Olga Cironis at PICA
- Susan Roux wins Stringer Prize
- Art Collective WA artists exhibiting at Perth Festival
- Paul, Jen & Tim at SxS Cottesloe
- Bunbury Biennale
- Merrick Belyea selected for John Stringer Prize 2021
- Uniting Voices: Olga Cironis in Artist Profile
- Our 4th Artist Monograph // Available Now!
- George Haynes // New Work at Holmes a Court Gallery
- Ron Nyisztor // Momento of Clarity at Holmes à Court Gallery
- 'Beauty and endless fascination' - Ted Snell reviews Wybraniec and Fardin exhibitions for Artist's Chronicle
- Time in Reflection
- Vale Carol Rudyard
- Jen Cochrane in National Print Award
- Vickers, Wybraniec, Haynes & Kotai at UWA
- George Haynes at Vasse Felix
- Paul Uhlmann and the Dark Side
- Trevor Vickers featured in Art Collector's 'Under $5k' issue
- Jurek, Ron & Toni selected for the annual Joondalup based award
- Sarah Elson – a feature artist at IOTA21
- AGWA - a new view
- Orange Path - WA's Longest Artwork?
- Jo Darbyshire in residence at Lake Grace
- Merrick Belyea wins John Stringer Prize 2021
- Toy Stories in Midland
- Figurative Art Brings Literal Pleasure - Mimesis Review
- Olga Cironis MATERIAL POWER - Textile Fibre Forum
- George Haynes - Artist Talk @LWAG
- Gallery Open from Wednesday 2 February
- Parliament House acquires Kevin Robertson's 'Axford Park'
- Strangers on the Shore
- Sculpture at Bathers 2022
- Antony Muia - printmaking residency
- New Collective Conversations
- Hammer & Honey // Olga Cironis in Albany
- Theo Koning (1950-2022)
- Tony Windberg // Wonders of the Worlds
- Mandorla Winners!
- George Haynes // Our Fifth Monograph
- Frank Morris on rock, paper, scissors and sighing // preview
- Antony Muia // Upper Reach at MJAC
- Jo Darbyshire // Rural Utopia - Lake Grace
- Joanna Lamb // Ace Hotel Sydney
- Kevin Robertson // Major Retrospective at LWAG
- Olga Cironis // Art Collector's Under $5k
- Sydney Contemporary 2022
- Joanna Lamb // Canberra Art Biennial 2022
- Andre Lipscombe // Residency at MJAC
- Olga Cironis // Curtin University Recent Acquisitions
- Paul Caporn // To Play & Win
- Giles Hohnen brightens at RPH
- Minaxi May // FUEL for Festival
- Olga Cironis // Know Thy Neighbour
- Trevor Vickers & Jon Tarry // Lloyd and Liz Horn Collection at BRAG
- Perth Design Week 2023
- Artists' News // March 23
- Artists' News // April 23
- Stuart Elliott // Altered States
- EOFY Art Guide
- Review + Feature // Ivimey and Roux
- Artists' News // August 2023
- Q&A: Eveline Kotai and Giles Hohnen at Sydney Contemporary
- Artists' News // September 2023
- Ten years on, a gallery, but not a gallery, still going its own way
- Art Collective WA featured in Art Collector Magazine
- Artists' News // November 2023
- Creative crisis: How a group of Perth artists banded together to save their careers
- Colour, colour everywhere
- A light touch
- Long may it continue – John Barrett-Lennard writes for the TEN catalogue.
- Congratulations Jen Cochrane! YBAP 23 Winner
- Artist News // February 2024
- Virginia Ward featured in The West Australian
- Artist News // March 2024
- Jo Darbyshire on RTR FM
- Angela Stewart featured in The Fremantle Herald
- Artist News // April 2024
- Artist News // May 2024
- Sarah Elson wins the Mandorla Art Award
- Living with Art // Evelyn Hall
- Artist News // July 2024
- Sandra Black Retrospective at Art Gallery of Western Australia
- Trevor Vickers in Art Collector, Art Guide and ArtsHub
- Trevor Vickers receives a prestigious State Cultural Treasure Award
Terms of Use
Privacy policy
- Olga Cironis and Anne Neil // Collective Conversations 2024
- Tony Windberg and Robert Gear // Collective Conversations 2024
- Eveline Kotai // Beyond the Lines, Collective Conversations 2024
- Collective Conversations // Giles Hohnen and Barbara Bolt 2024
- Collective Conversations // Angela Stewart, Memory 2024
- Collective Conversations // Perth Design Week 2023
- George Haynes monograph launch // Speeches by Andre Lipscombe and John McDonald
- Brad Rimmer // Nowhere Near Collective Conversation (2023)
- Jennifer Cochrane // Collective Conversations 2023
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward // Collective Conversation 2023
- Kevin Robertson and Antony Muia // Collective Conversations 2023
- Jon Tarry and Vanessa Russ // Collective Conversations 2023
- Merrick Belyea // Scarp, Collective Conversation 2023
- Nigel Hewitt and Rebecca Dagnall // Collective Conversations 2022
- Minaxi May // Melange, Collective Conversations 2022
- Stuart Elliott // Floe, Collective Conversations 2022
- Cathy Blanchflower // Paintings 2021-22, Collective Conversations 2022
- Paul Caporn // Loading, Collective Conversations 2022
- Frank Morris // Rock, Paper, Scissors and Sigh, Collective Conversations 2022
- Michele Theunissen // Reflections on the Edge, Collective Conversations 2022
- Chris Hopewell // Eclipsing, Collective Conversations 2022
- Trevor Vickers // New Untitled Paintings, Collective Conversations 2022
- Ken Wadrop // Threshold, Collective Conversations 2022
- Mimesis: Links, Lines and Diversions in Perth Figurative Art // Collective Conversations 2021
- Jurek Wybraniec // Collective Conversations 2021
- Trevor Richards // C-Change, Collective Conversations 2021
- Susan Roux // Collective Conversations 2020
- Paul Uhlmann // Collective Conversations 2020
- Merrick Belyea // Collective Conversations 2020
- Brad Rimmer // Collective Conversations 2020
- Tom Freeman // Collective Conversations 2020
- Caspar Fairhall // Collective Conversations 2020
- Eveline Kotai // Collective Conversations 2019
- Paul Caporn // Collective Conversations 2019
- Trevor Vickers // Collective Conversations 2019
- Minaxi May // Collective Conversations 2019
- Jane Martin // Collective Conversations 2018
- Jo Darbyshire // Collective Conversations 2018
- Helen Smith // Collective Conversations 2018
- George Haynes // Collective Conversations 2018
- Tony Windberg // Collective Conversations 2018
- Penny Coss // Collective Conversations 2018
- Kevin Robertson // Collective Conversations 2018
- Alex Spremberg // Collective Conversations 2018
- Giles Hohnen // Collective Conversations 2017
- Brad Rimmer // Collective Conversations 2017
- Jeremy Kirwan-Ward // Collective Conversations 2017
- Theo Koning // Collective Conversations 2017
- Joanna Lamb // This is Nowhere, Collective Conversations 2017
- Merrick Belyea // Recent Paintings, Collective Conversations 2017
- Jurek Wybraniec // Collective Conversations 2017
- Ron Nyisztor // Collective Conversations 2017
- Paul Uhlmann // Collective Conversations 2017
- Trevor Vickers // Collective Conversations 2016
- Antony Muia // Collective Conversations 2016