Hues of Haynes still surprise

The review of 'George Haynes: Recent and Retrospective Paintings & Gouaches' [INSERT LINK] by William Yeoman published in The West Australian declares that, 'George Haynes demonstrates that in this, his 80th birthday year, he has lost none of his ability to surprise and be surprised.'
The prolific colourist master painter opened his show in October 2018, just prior to his 80th birthday, surrounded by friends and family who had travelled especially. Over 30 gouache paintings, framed under glass, all 23 x 31cm were being scooped up quickly by collectors and followers of George's work, as well as the sumptuous large oils.
The exhibition is accompanied by a 50 page catalogue: 'Gouaches 2018 and some other food for thought'. The gouaches were mostly painted over the previous 12 months and are interspersed with George's notes, which were scribbled in notebooks over the years: 'Memories and thoughts on this exquisite trade I have had the fortune of plying since I was a boy with a sketchbook.'