Congratulations Jen Cochrane! YBAP 23 Winner

Congratulations to Jennifer on winning the YBAP, which was announced on Sunday 26 November 2023 at Gallery 152 in York – the oldest inland town in Western Australia. Jennifer was 'blown away' by the considered selection and beautifully articulated words of the judges: Dr Laetitia Wilson, Professor Fiona Stanley and Ron Bradfield Jnr. Patron of the YBAP, Professor Josh Byrne presented the prize.
From the 175 artists who entered this year, 45 finalists submitted their art work for the exhibition at Gallery 152.
JUDGES COMMENTS regarding Jennifer Cochranes' 'Sleeper self-portrait #10'.
"We were drawn to the simplicity of Jennifer Cochrane's sculpture; "Sleeper Self-portrait #10", belies all that this work captures. This artwork was able to evoke many responses from the judges. There was an immediate acknowledgement of its simplicity of form. It was also clear that the artist still wanted to fully appreciate the material for what it once was, a discarded and reclaimed, railway sleeper. This sculpture challenges the viewer by drawing them in as this work has you considering the tree from which this sleeper was hewn and then wondering about the echo of a memory, of how once these giant eucalypts surrounded all of what we now know as the city of Perth. How this vast forrest would have sustained all that once lived in it, at that time and how that forrest can never be what it was, ever again. There is sadness in this artwork but Jennifer's choice of finish - whilst appearing simple - is beautifully poignant and carefully considered. There has been a clear process of moving away from the material on offer, but it's Jennifer's return to it that shows how captivating this subject matter is to her, with still so much more to explore. Well done, Jennifer!"
LISTEN to Jennifer in conversation with Andre Lipscombe about her creative process; recorded during her recent solo show at Art Collective WA: Shadows, Sleepers and Self-Portraits (12 August - 9 September 2023).
Jennifer Cochrane (WA). Sleeper Self-portrait #10. Jarrah railway sleeper, burnt surface with beeswax polish. 21 x 49 x 12.5 cm
species: Eucalyptus marginata
// Botanical art in Australia has undergone somewhat of a renaissance in the last 10 years; however, unlike other botanical art prizes, we were not looking for scientific illustrations nor necessarily representative work – the only limitation being that the proposed work must directly relate to the theme of Western Australian native flora and make reference to specific WA species. Artists whose proposed work challenged traditional notions and conventions of botanical art were encouraged to enter.
The shortlisting panel’s criteria for the selection of finalists was based around the premise of the prize, “botanical art in the expanded field”, with a focus on artists whose proposed work challenged conventions of botanical art and demonstrate a mastery over materials, artform, and concepts,
with consideration given to how the entries exhibited as a whole. //
EXHIBITION DATES: 26 November 2023 – 31 January 2024
152 Avon Terrace, York WA 6302 [York is approximately 1.5 hours' drive east of Perth.]
Opening hours: 10am - 3pm daily. Except public holidays.
Jennifer Cochrane pictured with YBAP's Patron Professor Josh Byrne, Curator Leonie Oakes and YBAP founder Jenny Garroun.
Photo: Louise Coghill Photography @gallery152