Mimesis: Links, Lines and Diversions in Perth Figurative Art
Merrick Belyea George Haynes Angela Stewart Kevin Robertson Jane Martin Antony Muia Joanna Lamb

ARTISTS: Tom Alberts, Marcus Beilby, Merrick Belyea, Sandra Black, Tim Burns, Judith Forrest, George Haynes, Fiona Harman, Cecilia Klementson, Joanna Lamb, Mardi Crocker, Jane Martin, Antony Muia, Andrew Nicholls, Ellen Norrish, Kevin Robertson, Angela Stewart.
A group exhibition curated by Kevin Robertson that explores the intrigue and the appeal of mimesis, considering the delta between the thing and the representation through imitation.
The exhilaration of representation experienced through figurative art is hard to contain, it has survived many challenges in the past. Artists in Perth have experimented with new forms of figuration since the 1970s and particularly the 1980s, often at odds with fashions, and this exhibition reveals the continuity of these endeavours in the present time.
Animals and people are featured in ancient human representations from Burrup to Lascaux and this aspect of figurative painting is explored, although not exclusively. This is an exhibition about the fascination with figuration itself.