Paul Caporn presents a series of 2D and 3D works that reflect on the emergence of things; best summed up by the 17th century chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier: ‘nothing is created and nothing is destroyed but everything is transformed.’ The moment of loading Instagram images and the discarded sprues of plastic model-making take on new life.
'This collection of new 2D works has been drawn from those moments in which an Instagram file loads on a mobile phone. Perhaps not so ‘Insta’, often I’ve enjoyed watching the ‘circle of death’ waiting for the pixels of the mobile screen to render the final image often to be disappointed with the outcome. In these works the moment of loading becomes the focus of the outcome. It is an emergent space where the underlying structure is made visible and it’s completion uncertain.
In this exhibition the sculptural work similar to the 2D works is drawn from an otherwise overlooked material. Sprue 2 is made from the sprues of the plastic-model making process. Generally discarded once the model is made, the sprue’s importance is no longer potent; it becomes the cast off from the production process. In the case of plastic model-making the sprue also provides the key and instructions to how the model is built, and where the final pieces exist once complete.
Both these series of works reflect on the process of the emergence of things best summed up by this quote from the 17th century chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier; “nothing is created and nothing is destroyed but everything is transformed."'
Paul Caporn, 2022