Jeremy Kirwan-Ward: Veranda Views

Jeremy Kirwan-Ward, Surface to Air (Flora Terrace), 2014, acrylic on canvas, 100.5 x 100cm
Preparing for the book and for the retrospective exhibition at Art Collective WA, Jeremy said, "I always thought I'd been a bit slack with my output, but when I started to select work I realised I was looking through over 700 works."
He has worked with silk screen prints, sculpture, photography and digital prints (as well as painting) but for the last 30 years his work has revolved around his connection with the coast.
"A painter really has only one idea in his life, which he just kicks around. I don't know who said that, but I believe it."
Extract: Sarah McNeill, Veranda Views, TimeOut, The Post Newspaper, 23 September 2017, p67.