Congratulations to the Mandorla Finalists

2020 Mandorla Art Award - finalists announced
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8 - NIV)
We congratulate all the thirty-five finalists who have been selected from 144 entries from across Australia for this year's Award, and are pleased to announce that Art Collective WA member Olga Cironis is among them.
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the finalists' exhibition at Stala Contemporary in Perth has been postponed to March 2021.
The Mandorla Art Award for contemporary religious art is 'Australia’s most significant thematic Christian art prize, attracting some of the country’s finest artists since its 1985 inception. It offers artists and the public a new vision that is actually a very old vision, the place of the Christian religion in art.' It is volunteer run and supported by the ecumenical patronage of St John of God Health Care, the Catholic, Anglican and Uniting churches, and the Benedictine monks of New Norcia.
Every two years, artists respond to a biblical theme (as above.)
This year's selection panel comprised Chad Creighton, Director of Aboriginal Arts Hub WA; Sandra Murray, independent curator; and Sister Kerry Willison RSM.
The Mandorla Art Award committee ‘encourages you all to continue to engage with and support the arts: it is an aspect of our culture which can allow us to freely express our emotions, conduct and inspire hope and nurture our soul to grow in faith, wisdom and maturity.’
The full list of finalists 2020:
Riste Andrievski, Godfrey Blow, Christophe Canato, Olga Cironis, Rebecca Corps, Emilio Cresciani, Joanne Duffy, Fiona Evans, Silvana Ferrario, Desire Ferreira, Anna Glynn, Athena Harris Ingall, Tevita Havea, Beric Henderson, Franci Hepburn, Leni Kae, Vania Lawson, Glenn Loughrey, Camilla Loveridge, Laszlo Lukacs, Elisa Markes-Young, Lucille Martin, Britt Mikkelsen, Perrin Millard, Michael Vincent Murphy, Sonia Payes, Denise Pepper, Julian Poon, Sion Prior, Deborah Ralph-Kafarela, Kathleen Nanima Rambler, Darryl Rogers, Harrison See, Alexandra Spargo, and John Teschendorff.
Read more about the Mandorla Art Award.
View work by Olga Cironis.
Gain insights into Olga Cironis's work in ANTIDOTE feature article 'Home Run', 2017.