Kirwan-Ward: Inspired Evolution in Paint

Pop into the Art Collective of WA over the next few weeks and you’ll encounter the colourful evolution of one of the state’s most important painters.
Works by Jeremy Kirwan-Ward sit prominently among the finest creations by WA artists that tell stories of our home and times, nature and man-made things.
The current exhibition at the Collective is called Outscapes: Paintings 1971 – 2017. It is a captivating journey of growth, change, artistic development and a quest for perfection spanning five decades.
The opening of the exhibition coincided with the launch of a monograph book, You Can See It From Here, which tells the Kirwan-Ward story through text and beautiful plate reproductions.
Rigby, Peter; Kirwan-Ward: Inspired Evolution in Paint, The Starfish, 26 Sep 2017.