Robert Gear // 339 Days

339 Days refers to the time the artist allocated to make the works for this exhibition. Using painting as a way to make sense of the world, the works in this show are vignettes that seek to embrace the rhythm and awareness of our lives.
'Painting helps me make sense of my world. It enables me to unlock parts of my consciousness, those glowing embers that exist in the cracks between grey rudimentary things. The works in this show are vignettes that seek to embrace the rhythm and awareness of the finitude of our lives. Though memory is an unreliable cherry picker of the past, many works revisit memories, stowaways that have never left me.
Painting enables me to address 'the why' question when it taps on my shoulder. It is simultaneously many things. A mirror to find meaning in the mundane, the banal, the real and the absurd.
Ultimately I want to share my vision of the world so that others might recognise something that they otherwise might not have noticed.'
Robert Gear was born in New Zealand and moved to Western Australia in his very early years. Alongside a secondary teaching career, Robert has maintained a continuous painting practice. Within the last decade, Robert made a conscious decision to paint in a representational style as he feels it provides the freedom to not only make sense of his world, but also the ability to construct an aesthetic that will satisfy both him and connect with the viewer, putting them in touch with their own personal experiences.