Gosia Wlodarczak // AiR Review in The West

Present lines drawn to past
'Squiggly white lines dance across the windows of the Art Collective WA in Subiaco. They obscure the artwork within. Enter the gallery and the line drawings continue, from their temporary position on the windows, to three sculptural objects, to a series of works on the wall.
Gosia Wlodarczak sits in the space focused on her mark-making, observing her surroundings and translating them into drawings. The drawings stream out as she experiences the moments of calm in the gallery and the buzz of the exterior world glimpsed through the windows. There is no predetermined pattern, no hierarchy of forms, no aesthetic consideration at a remove, just a continual movement.'
Read more of Laetitia's review in The West Australian (13 November 2015)

Gosia Wlodarczak at work