Olga Cironis // Curtin University Recent Acquisitions

Olga Cironis // Recent Acquisitions at JCG
Recent Acquisitions
7 October – 4 December 2022, John Curtin Gallery
Following the success of John Curtin Gallery's 50fifty Acquisition Initiative which ran from 2017-2020, the John Curtin Gallery has continued to acquire important works that reflect the world in which we live. This exhibition presents works acquired over the last two years that have not previously been on display at the gallery, covering painting, photography, mixed media, textiles, ceramics, video, drawing and print.
Included are significant purchases and donations of artworks by leading contemporary artists. JCG thank all our Donors who have made these acquisitions possible.
Exhibition Dates & Opening Times
7 October – 4 December 2022
Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm
John Curtin Gallery, Building 200A, Curtin University, Kent Street, Bentley WA 6102

Olga Cironis, Handmaiden & Handmaiden I, 2019, repurposed wooden children’s crutch, wood, woollen blanket and cotton thread, 150 x 24 x 28 & 150 x 24 x 25 cm. Curtin University Art Collection. Purchased, 2021. Image courtesy of the artist. Photographer: Sharon Baker.