Time in Reflection

CRITICAL TIME brings together Western Australian artists in a reflection on the way in which they keep time, waste time, or chronicle time through art making - on now at Midland Junction Arts Centre, Perth.
Art Collective WA member artist Andre Lipscombe makes work that considers time in many respects; his works grow slowly over months and years, with thin layers of salvaged household paint poured into moulds or brushed onto surfaces of recycled materials, giving them new life as objects that resemble artefacts. Whilst these artefact like ‘paintings’ are hard to place in time, they are embedded with coded references to art history and ask questions about how materials and information endure.
And one of our associate artists Tom Freeman exhibits a new sixteen-part work on paper. Andre and Tom's works are accompanied by ceramics by Joana Partyka and A4 drawings by Gemma Watson.
CRITICAL TIME gestures to the relationship between urgency and immobility in the experience of time, something we have all noticed a lot more during the momentous events of 2020 and early 2021. Enjoy this timely opportunity to slow down and explore the process of making through fine details and exquisite textures.
[Excerpt from Media Release, Midland Junction Arts Centre]
Exhibition dates: 8 May – 17 July
Official Opening: FRI 28 MAY 6.30PM-8PM . RSVP is essential.
Midland Junction Arts Centre
Opening Hours: Wed–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 11am–3pm

Andre-Lipsombe, Critical Time, Midland Junction Arts Centre