Connie Petrillo // Sublime Peril

In this new set of images, Connie Petrillo immerses herself in the aesthetics of the minimal image as the primary signifier of the cultural erasure of the child.
As she strips away context and detail, we are invited to engage with the bare bones of visual experience. Simultaneously conveying an atmosphere of presence and one of imminent disappearance, it's as though the multiple complex and messy realities of childhood are slowly being erased, sinking into the shadows, observed but not heard.
What is an Ambrotype?
An ambrotype is a type of early photographic process from the mid to late 1800s. It involves creating a direct positive image on a glass plate, which is backed with a dark material, such as black varnish or velvet. Ambrotypes were prized for their ability to capture detailed images and were often used to create portraits. Today, ambrotypes are rare and valuable.