Helen Smith // A False Baroque

Helen Smith in Melbourne
For a ‘A False Baroque’, Art Collective member Helen Smith includes works utilising recycled packaging and packing tape as the building blocks for pieces that emerge from the detritus of the day, along-side oil on canvas paintings.
Marielle Soni from Gallery There curated the exhibition and organised to show the works with Stephen McLaughlan Gallery. Located eight floors above Flinders Lane, on the Swanston Street corner, the Stephen McLaughlan Gallery was established in 1994 and is a proud occupant of Melbourne’s iconic Nicholas Building.
Helen Smith’s practice is influenced by a formal, minimalist view-point with simplicity of form and geometric abstraction generally contributing to the outcome. Oil on canvas paintings, large scale wall works, collage and photography, derived from an interest in social and cultural systems form the basis for her enquiry.
A False Baroque
18 March - 11 April 2020
Stephen McLaughlan Gallery Melbourne
Level 8 Room 16 The Nicholas Building
37 Swanston Street Melbourne 3000
(On the corner of Flinders Lane)
Opening Hours:
Wednesday to Friday 1pm-5pm;
Saturday 11am-5pm;
& by appointment
Helen Smith's Biography. Listen to Helen Smith's Collective Conversation.
Update from Gallery There 18 March 2020:
"To this end our opening event will not proceed, but the exhibition will be open.
Helen Smith's work has arrived from WA and installed. The artist will be in attendance at the gallery on Saturday 21st March 1 - 5 pm. An extended time will allow social-distancing visitation. The exhibition AT THIS STAGE will be open to the public during normal opening hours Wed - Fri 1 - 5 pm; Sat 11 - 5. Plus:
1. The gallery is a small space so if a crowd gathers we may ask people to wait before entering to avoid close contact.
2. We will share images on social media for those who can not make it.
3. We have a digital catalogue we can email to you, request one by emailing hello@gallerythere.com
4. If you prefer to visit privately, we can arrange it. Contact us to make an appointment.
Lastly, congratulations to Helen Smith on a wonderful body of work. The gallery looks great, and feels great."
L-R: Helen Smith, Upcycle 3 & 4, 2019, oil on found packaging, 12.5x40.5x4cm

Helen Smith, Blue Highway 42, 2019, oil on canvas 137x213cm