Toni Wilkinson and Jo Darbyshire explore Imaginary Territories

Art Collective WA artist members Jo Darbyshire and Toni Wilkinson join Kelsey Ashe, Lucille Martin and Rebecca Paterson in this visual feast, presented by Dark Swan Exhibitions.
Imaginary Territories acknowledges a century since the emergence of surrealism and the influence of surrealist inquiry.
The exhibition explores the concept of a ‘territory’ as a domain of the inner world – a representation that expresses an ‘internal truth’. Through this Surrealist lens, the artists’ territories are simultaneously real and imagined, explored into being; a place where both conscious and subconscious realities are envisioned. Imaginary Territories curator and artist Kelsey Ashe has asked the artists to consider their 'inner topographies' and to question how this can assist in 'overcoming the earthbound borders, barriers and displacements we find ourselves in this modern era'.
PS Art Space: 22 Pakenham Street, Fremantle
Until 14 November 2020, open Tue–Sat, 10am-5pm.
Toni Wilkinson, Shot into the Sun Series, 2020, archival digital print, 140 x 140cm each.
Installation view, PS Art Space, Fremantle, October 2020.