Trevor Vickers & Jon Tarry // Lloyd and Liz Horn Collection at BRAG

Lloyd and Liz Horn Collection - a selection of works on show in Bunbury
Since 1972, the Horns have cultivated one of the most significant art collections in Western Australia, most notably with a single focus on Western Australian artists.
You may have read 'Closet Circus'*, published in 2008, that revealed 'an artistic treasury [that was new then and may still be] new even to most Western Australians. The Horns support artists and collect art for exactly the right reasons: they seek stimulation and enjoyment. Their collection is diverse, highly independent and idiosyncratic in character.' In this publication the late John Stringer showcases the Lloyd and Elizabeth Horn Collection of contemporary art.
Now in 2022, 50 years of collecting are showcased in a new exhibition at Bunbury Regional Art Gallery – 'Epic Works: Selections by the Director from the Lloyd and Liz Horn Collection'
Collective members artists featured in this exhibition include Jon Tarry and Trevor Vickers, alongside works by Miriam Stannage, Kelsey Ashe, Philip Berry, Tom Gibbons, Akio Makigawa, Paul Moncrieff, and Valerie Tring.
Bunbury Regional Art Gallery
10 December 2022 - 6 March 2023
*Closet Circus: works from the Horn Collection / foreword by John Stringer, text by Stuart Elliott and Diana Roberts, photography by Eva Fernandez. Published by Fremantle Press, 2008.
Trevor Vickers, Untitled 1999, pastel on smart board.