Chroma, 2025,  installation view. Acorn Photo (5)
George Haynes, The Southerly, 2024, oil on canvas, 96.5 x 117cm
Trevor Vickers, Cultural Treasures 2024, Image by Jessica Russell-38.jpg (1)

Art Collective WA is run by artists

We are a not-for-profit organisation that highlights the work of leading Western Australian contemporary artists through a program of exhibitions, events and publishing.

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We are in Cathedral Square, facing the lawns, between Hay St and St George's Terrace in the centre of Perth.

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Art Collective WA operates on a self-funding model. Income is mainly generated through artwork sales, private benefaction and philanthropic donations, with some public funding for specified projects. There are a number of ways you can help the Collective’s ongoing work and forge a closer relationship with WA artists.



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