Stockroom Gems 2021 // The Under $2500 Edit

We've selected some of our favourite works from the Stockroom to round out a bumper year. Our 2021 edit features paintings, works on paper, sculpture and bespoke objects, all under $2500 each!
Just click on an artwork image and details will come up in the caption. Then contact us on art@artcollectivewa.com.au for pricing or to view!
Other works are also available from each artist, get in touch for more images.
FEATURING: Giles Hohnen, Merrick Belyea, Joanna Lamb, Alex Spremberg, Chris Hopewell, Vanessa Russ, Eveline Kotai, Minaxi May, Jennifer Cochrane, Jane Martin, Jon Tarry, Olga Cironis, Angela Stewart, Tony Windberg, Paul Uhlmann, Antony Muia, Tom Freeman, Trevor Vickers, Toni Wilkinson, Tony Nathan, Helen Smith, Jurek Wybraniec, Robert Gear, Penny Coss, Ron Nyisztor, Theo Koning, Andrew Nicholls, Sarah Elson, Andre Lipscombe, Kevin Robertson, Paul Caporn and Brad Rimmer.