Artwork: Brad Rimmer, Sometimes I Wish 13, Ed 1/3, archival digital print
Artwork: Brad Rimmer, Sometimes I Wish 13, Ed 1/3, archival digital print

Congratulations to Sarah Elson who won the major acquisitive prize at the 2024 Mandorla Art Award with her  work 390 Acts of Love (pictured). Sarah will be discussing her work on Saturday 1 June, 1.30pm, where you can also hear from Olga Cironis and other artists in the exhibition. Holmes à Court Gallery, West Perth.

Congratulations also to Brad Rimmer, who won the acquisitive City of Armadale Award at the Minnawarra Art Awards with his work Sometimes I Wish #13.

Giles Hohnen's work from the Janet Holmes à Court Collection features in the group exhibition Collection Focus #3: Stillness at Vasse Felix Gallery, Cowarumup. Until 25 August.

Captions is a new publication that combines Alex Spremberg's photographs with texts that modify the reading of the works. Exhibition until 14 June. Chinoiserie Gallery, Highgate, by appointment.