Susan Roux
The artwork of Susan Roux is a critique on and response to cultural and social change regarding gender and body politics. The work often takes specific historical events as a point of departure, conveying burdens and conflicts with precise and economical means.
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Susan Roux is a South African born Western Australian artist. Her work is a critique on and response to cultural and social change regarding gender and body politics. The work often takes specific historical events as a point of departure, conveying burdens and conflicts with precise and economical means.
The vulnerability of the human body as experienced in specifically the female body yield theme, mark and visual language. Touch educes the body as tactile territory, while mark and stitch mark its boundaries.
An obsessive and repetitive working process aims to engage viewers in connecting with their senses, body and mind. The rhythmic, cyclical acts of smocking, stitching, marking and unmarking by hand arrest time to both recall and urge a contemplative search that could possibly stretch beyond the immediate and the mundane, beyond the abject body.
Her work prompts the notion that touch both caresses and consumes, that it immerses host and guest/artist and viewer.