Merrick Belyea
Merrick Belyea focuses on the curiously human appetite for destruction in his work. Environmental concerns are central to recent paintings that refer to a potential for devastation and offer a portent to future mechanical scarification of the landscape. Paring back the veneer of previously prepared paint layers reveal the detritus of process and the fragility of surface.
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Merrick Belyea was born in 1969, in Perth, Western Australia and studied fine art at Claremont School of Art. Since his first solo show in 1995 Merrick has maintained a regular exhibiting schedule and studio practice based in Fremantle.
Recent work by Merrick has focused on the curiously human appetite for destruction. Environmental concerns are central to recent paintings that refer to a potential for devastation and offer a portent to future mechanical scarification of the landscape. Paring back the veneer of previously prepared paint layers reveal the detritus of process and the fragility of surface.
Merrick maintains a regular exhibition program and was invited to exhibit at the Australian Embassy in the Philippines in 2001 and Art Stage Singapore in 2015. He was included in the Australian Art Collector ‘Australia’s Most Collectable Artists’ list in 2004 and 2006. Merrick is an active member of the Western Australian art scene, playing a pivotal role in a number of artist-run-initiatives, most recently as a foundation member and current Chairman of Art Collective WA. In 2021, he was awarded the John Stringer Prize for his painting series, Brigadoon.
Merrick’s works are included in prominent collections, including the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Wesfarmers Arts, Artbank, Janet Holmes á Court Collection, St John of God Health Care, The University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, Bankwest, Royal Perth Hospital, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Central TAFE, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, AM International Calabria Italy, Australian Republican Movement, City of Fremantle, City of Joondalup, City of Wanneroo, City of Melville, City of Swan and City of Perth.