Andre Lipscombe
Andre Lipscombe’s interests in painting practice have evolved significantly since 2000 when he began to explore projects that engage with ‘expanded painting’ – making hybrid works between painting and objects, concerned with the primary issues of painting, particularly attuned to trace the tension between presence and absence.
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Andre Lipscombe was born in UK in 1963. A Special Art Student at Applecross SHS, he graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from Curtin University in 1983. He conducts an arts practice centred on painting and has exhibited extensively locally and overseas.
During his early career, Andre was a member of a Perth-based group of artists committed to representation and figuration, later exhibiting as Oddfellows. Over thirty years he has conducted studio practices in Perth, Fremantle and Melbourne and exhibited regularly with Art Collective WA and Nyisztor Studio.
Andre Lipscombe’s interests in painting practice have evolved significantly since 2000 when he began to explore projects that engage with ‘expanded painting’ – making hybrid works between painting and objects, concerned with the primary issues of painting, particularly attuned to trace the tension between presence and absence.
For Andre, the idea of ‘unconcealment’ suggests that something pre-exists our attempts to ‘discover’ it and part of the truth is engaging a process to locate something ineffable, ungraspable. He is interested to explore the broader ontological condition of matter, being and time through an engagement with the medium of paint.
A recent project, Unconcealed Painting, was produced wholly with materials sourced from discarded supports and household acrylic paints acquired from a network of collaborators and road side pick-ups. Works were produced using a combination of paints and supports derived from a single source, which undergo a process of exhaustive accumulation and erasure.
His work is represented in private and public collections, including the City of Perth, City of Swan, Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Shire of Mundaring, Shire of Esperance, St John of God Health Care and The University of Western Australia.